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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.

Author Guidelines

When submitting the article, the authors guarantee that:

- the article is original and has not been submitted to other journals;

- all the authors mentioned effectively contributed to the development of the article;

- all authors were informed about the editorial process of paper submission;

- the content and opinions expressed in the publication are the sole responsibility of the authors.

The Journal is open to contributions from national and international authors.

  1. Languages

Articles in Portuguese and English will be accepted. If the articles are submitted in Portuguese, the title and abstract must also be presented in English; when submitted in English, the title and abstract must also be presented in Portuguese.

  1. Types of articles accepted

Original articles (research experience report, case study, etc.) will be accepted, with the following settings:

Original article: Part of a publication that presents original themes or approaches.

* In this case, the contribution is original and unpublished, it is not being reviewed for publication in another magazine, nor has it been published on other channels, either printed or online.

Scientific Article: Publication with declared authorship, which presents and discusses ideas, methods, techniques, processes and results in the various areas of knowledge.

 * Relevant articles, with clear exposition and chain of ideas.

Review Article: Publication that summarizes, analyzes, and discusses information already published.

* Works that address state-of-the-art survey, in national or foreign literature, to identify advances, challenges and gaps in relevant and innovative topics.

Articles with characteristics of commercial promotion of brands, products or companies will not be accepted.

  1. How to Submit your Paper

Papers must be submitted exclusively online.

  1. Paper Formatting

4.1. The papers must be submitted in doc format. or docx., as follows:

  1. a) Without identification of authors, for evaluation (see item 4.5).
  2. b) With the identification of the authors, after approval (see item 4.6).

4.2. The full text of the article cannot exceed 20 (twenty) pages for a Scientific Article, and 25 (twenty-five) pages for a Review Article.

4.3. Use A4 size sheet; right, left, top and bottom margins of 2.5 cm; font Arial size 12 (for direct quotations above three lines, size 10 and indentation of 4 cm of margin); 1.5 cm paragraphs; single line spacing; italic highlights (do not use bold or underline); justified alignment; do not insert cover sheet; use sequential numbering throughout the paper.

4.4. The Title and Subtitle (if any) must appear on the opening page of the article, typographically differentiated or separated by a colon (:). If the language of the text is Portuguese, it must contain a title in Portuguese and in English; when submitted in English, the title must be also in Portuguese. Use Arial 14.

4.5. Author(s): papers sent for evaluation cannot contain the name(s) of the author(s), or any text that identifies them, including Acknowledgments. This unidentified copy must be forwarded in order to guarantee the confidentiality of the author and the transparency and impartiality of the process. Please check for any damage to the text formatting and make the necessary corrections; unformatted texts will be returned. After approval of the article by the referees, the work must be forwarded with the identification of the authors.

4.6. Author(s): after approval, the paper must be sent again, with the identification of the authors, as follows:

First page containing:

- title of the work (according to item 4.4) and

- full name(s) of the author(s), accompanied by academic background, affiliation and e-mail of the main author, which must appear after the titles, indicated by Arabic characters.


Article Title: article subtitle

First Author1

Second Author2

1 PhD in Environmental Science by University XXXX; Environmental Analyst at the XXXX Company, Name of City, State, Country.

2 MSc in Environmental Science by University XXXX; Environmental Analyst at the XXXX Company, Name of City, State, Country.

4.7. The Abstract is a mandatory element. It consists of a sequence of concise and objective sentences and not a simple enumeration of topics, covering a general theme, research problem, objectives, methods and main conclusions. It must not exceed 250 words. If the language of the text is Portuguese, it must contain an abstract in Portuguese and in English. When submitted in English, it must also present an abstract in Portuguese.

4.8. Keywords, which must appear immediately below the abstract, preceded by the expression Keywords: separated by a period and ending also with a period. Use a maximum of 7 (seven) keywords, in Portuguese (in the abstract in Portuguese) and in English (in the abstract in English).


Keywords: References. Documentation.

4.9. The Introduction is the initial part of the article, which must include the delimitation of the subject addressed, the research objectives and other elements necessary to make clear the theme of the work.

4.10. The Development is the main part of the article, which contains the orderly and detailed exposition of the subject treated. It is divided into sections and subsections, which vary depending on the approach to the topic and the method.

4.11. The Conclusion is the final part of the article, in which the conclusions corresponding to the objectives and hypotheses are presented.

4.12. Explanatory notes and footnotes should be avoided, unless they are essential for understanding the text. The numbering is done in Arabic numerals, and must be unique and consecutive for each article, with a maximum of three lines.

4.13. References are mandatory elements and must be prepared in accordance with their own regulations.

4.14. Citations must be presented in accordance with the applicable standards.

4.15. When Acronyms appear for the first time in the text, the full form of the name precedes the acronym, placed in parentheses.

Example: United States Environmental Agency (USEPA).

4.16. Illustrations and Graphic Elements: whatever the type of illustration, it must be preceded by its designating word (drawing, scheme, flowchart, photograph, graph, map, organization chart, plan, picture, portrait, figure, image, among others), followed by their order number in the text, in Arabic numerals, dash and the respective title. Immediately after the illustration, the source consulted must be indicated (mandatory element, even if it is the author's own production), legend, note and other information necessary for its understanding (if any). The illustration must be quoted in the text and inserted as close as possible to the passage to which it refers. They must be electronically scanned in jpg with a resolution from 300 dpi, presented in dimensions that allow their enlargement or reduction while maintaining legibility.

4.17. Tables must be quoted in the text, inserted as close as possible to the section to which they refer. The source consulted must be indicated, which is a mandatory element, even if it is the author's own production

4.18. Equations and Formulas: appear highlighted in the text, in order to facilitate their reading. In the normal sequence of the text, it is allowed to use a longer spacing that includes its elements (exponents, indices and others). When detached from the paragraph, they are centered and, if necessary, numbered. When fragmented into more than one line, due to lack of space, they must be interrupted before the equal sign or after the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division signs.


x2 + y2 = z2 (1)

(x2 + y2)/5 = n (2)

4.19. Acknowledgments (optional) are the last elements, coming after References.

  1. Article Analysis and Selection Process

The article analysis and selection process will follow the following steps:

5.1. Initial Check

The articles received will undergo an initial verification, to identify if: (a) they omit the name(s) of the author(s); (b) meet the scope of the journal; (c) contains the basic elements indicated above; (d) all illustrations and graphic elements are sourced; (e) do not show high levels of similarity; (f) comply with other items of the Editorial Policy.

At this stage, the articles can be:

(a) approved for submission to the next stage;

(b) return to authors for adequacy; or

(c) refused.

5.2. Analysis by Ad Hoc Reviewers

At this stage, the evaluation is carried out using the double blind peer review system, in which the article is sent to two reviewers (Ad Hoc reviewers), who are professors, researchers and specialists in the subject of the work. The reviewers will not have access to the names of the authors and vice versa, in order to guarantee the transparency and impartiality of the process, as well as the confidentiality of the information.

At this stage, the articles can be:

(a) approved for publication. The main author will be notified, to send the article containing the name(s) and data(s) of the author(s);

(b) returned to authors with suggestions for revision and encouragement for new submissions; or

(c) disapproved.

Approved articles will be published as they are accepted, since “Revista Ambiente” is a continuous flow journal.


Política padrão de seção

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.