Técnicas de recuperação de pingüins oleados
penguins, oil, treatment, recoveringAbstract
This subject has an objective to supply basic informations on how to affect on "petrolized" penguins or any other bird of the sarne condition. During the winters of 1985 to 1989, were treated 84 "petrolized" penguins Spheniscus magellanicus in Cassino beach, South extrem of Rio Grande do Sul. Out of 84 penguins treated, 64 cases (76,2%) survived and 20 representing (23,8%) died. ln a total of 282 penguins found dead at Cassino beach, .. these 84 were totally soaked with oil. Indicating oi! as the cause of the 29% of the penguins mortality at brasilian coasts. Another interesting fact was the survival of 100% of the adult penguins treated.