Controle da poluição ambiental

Cubatão, filosofia e conceito


  • João Baptista Galvão Filho CETESB


The environmental problem in Cubatão, synonym of pollution, contamination, vicious capital-ism, anencephaly, respiratory diseases and tragedy has always been very much discussed at local, national and intemational leveis without being suitably solved as regards the implementation and development of a  program to control environmental pollution triggered off by CETESB on July 1983. The Jack of a  Jand planning associated with the poor self-purification of pollutants in that arca led to only one answer: to make use of qualifled and highly interested experts; clearly defined objectives and assignment of responsabilities and authority; technical support to the contrai actions, involving the community and the industries; and - above ali -the political clecision of the Government. Result: it is possible to predict for 1988 the compati-bility of the activities "to work" and_ "to dwell".


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Author Biography

João Baptista Galvão Filho, CETESB

Engenheiro _Químico, de Segurança do Trabalho, Sanitarista, Mestre em Ciências de Engenharia Ambiental. Atualmente Assessor de Meio Ambiente da Superintendência do Conglomerado Ripasa, trabalhou na CETESB durante 17 anos, onde desenvolveu e gerenciou o Plano de Controle da Poluição Ambiental de Cubatão.



How to Cite

GALVÃO FILHO, J. B. Controle da poluição ambiental: Cubatão, filosofia e conceito. Revista Ambiente, São Paulo, v. 1, n. 2, p. 70–73, 1987. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.


