A política ambiental e o desenvolvimento


  • Ivan Carlos Maglio Secretaria Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo


ecodevelopment, environmental zonning, development models, sustainable development, environmental impact, environmental policy


The article discusses the development models and their relationship with government environmental policies, specially the search for new strategies and policies for sustainable development, as well as the application for these concepts to the analysis of Brazilian development and current environmental politics. The Brazilian environmental structure and policies are also analysed, with emphasis on the Environmental lmpact Assessment (EIA) and Statment (EIS) and their application in the last four years, since their introduction by the CONAMA Resolution n. 001 in 1986. The questions raised in EIA/EIS application by the Environment Planning Coordination Board (CPLA) of SMA--São Paulo ENVIRONMENT Secretariat - are also examined in comparison with the other Brazilian States (quantitative experience and ranking of projects), specially the EIA-REVIEW experience of São Paulo AGENCY. ln sequence, the article demonstrates the possibility of applying EIA as a management tool at the local, regional, national and global leveis in support of planning development policy, as a pre-requisite to improve a national sustainable development policy. The Brazilian EIA application is also considered within the International Experience, towards the recommendation of making a framework of an EIA/Guideline to the Latin American and Caribean Countries.


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Author Biography

Ivan Carlos Maglio, Secretaria Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo

Engenheiro Civil, especializado em Planejamento Urbano, Regional e Ambiental, e pós-graduado em Antropologia Política e Ciências Sociais e Engenharia Mineral, exercendo atualmente a direção da Coordenadoria de Planejamento Ambiental da Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo -SMA.



How to Cite

MAGLIO, I. C. A política ambiental e o desenvolvimento. Revista Ambiente, São Paulo, v. 5, n. 1, p. 41–46, 1991. Disponível em: https://revistacetesb.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/104. Acesso em: 17 dec. 2024.


